Piaggio Medley 125cc

Piaggio Medley 125cc 2021

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Rental terms

Security deposit
Security deposit Fully refundable
Payment method:
US$ 430
Unlimited mileage
Unlimited mileage
Extra usage day charge
Extra usage day charge
US$ 35 per day
Minimum driver age
Minimum driver age
18 years old
Minimum required driving experience
Minimum required driving experience
1 year
Fuel policy
Fuel policy
Same to Same
Minimum rental period
Minimum rental period
1 day


Add optional Extras to your trip at checkout

Protection plans
Add optional Protection plan to your trip at checkout

Third party insurance (TPL)


Full insurance
Covers all the damage to the vehicle.

US$ 20 per day


Piaggio Medley 125cc


Helmet x1
Helmet x1
Luggage racks
Luggage racks
Comfortable for a passenger
Comfortable for a passenger

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Languages: English