Polaris Slingshot SL 2020
We'll help to book by phone
Fix the price! Pay a small amount now and the rest later. Free cancellation.
Rental terms
Deposit payment method:
Add optional Extras to your trip at checkout
Protection plans
Add optional Protection plan to your trip at checkout
Third party insurance (TPL)
Full insurance
Covers all the damage to the vehicle.
US$ 35 per day
All rides require $35 insurance which includes third party liability and reduces the drivers damage deductible liability to $***.
You need to be 21 or older and hold a full and valid drivers licence to be able to rent/operate a vehicle.
We hold your rental deposit with an authorisation on your credit card for the deposit amount plus ride fees. Once you return the vehicle and it is all cleared then the rental fees are charged to your card and the deposit returned. Please note that for bookings made online the rental fees are charged at the time of booking.
We require all renters to purchase Premium Insurance to provide third party liability as well as Damage Waiver with a deductible of $****.
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Languages: English