Merckx Lavaredo 68

Merckx Lavaredo 68 2020

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Rental terms

No deposit
No deposit
Unlimited mileage
Unlimited mileage
Extra usage day charge
Extra usage day charge
US$ 0 per day
Minimum driver age
Minimum driver age
16 years old
Minimum required driving experience
Minimum required driving experience
1 year
Fuel policy
Fuel policy
Same to Same
Minimum rental period
Minimum rental period
1 day


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Protection plans
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Third party insurance (TPL)


Full insurance

Not available


More control and safety during your cycling trips across the island? Our Lavaredo 68 with Disc brakes is your choice. In addition, the bike is equipped with electronic gearshift: super-fast and reliable. This innovative way of switching gears works under all circumstances. Implementing an electrical signal, the front or rear derailleur is activated to shift an acceleration higher or lower. The Lavaredo 68 offers a superior cycling experience. Because of its construction, more energy goes straight to the pedals, allowing for a better performance.

The bike is equipped with 30 cassette mountain resistance and has a Fulcrum Racing 4 DB wheelset. The bicycle is also equipped with a bike computer, bottle cages, pump, spare tire and tire levers. We ask you to preferably bring your own pedals.

Gear set: 30-11 behind, 52/36 front.

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