Dodge Caravan 2021
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Rental terms
Deposit payment method:
Add optional Extras to your trip at checkout
Protection plans
Add optional Protection plan to your trip at checkout
Third party insurance (TPL)
Full insurance
Not available
*The requirements* to be able to rent a vehicle are: 1.- Valid driver's license. 2.- Official identification with valid photo (INE or IFE, foreign passport). 3.- Credit or debit card to retain the guarantee. This is *NOT A CHARGE* as the money does not actually come out of your account. The amount is unlocked by the company when returning the vehicle *In cars it is $5,000 MXN and in vans it is $6,000 MXN* 4.- Minimum age to rent a vehicle is 21 years. Note: Once the guarantee amount has been unlocked, it can sometimes take some time to be reflected back in your account. This time depends on each banking institution. It is a subject *TOTALLY OTHERWISE* to us since the unlocking on our part is immediate.
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Questions and answers
A passport
A local or international driving licence, depending on where you're renting
The owner also has the right to request a picture of you with your driving licence.
Costs for fuel, parking, and any other additional services the owner may offer. For example, delivery/return of the vehicle, child seats or additional insurance.
When choosing a car to book, you can message a manager using our online chat and they will find out whether the owner has a child seat. You can also specify this in the comment field when leaving a request for a personally selected car.
Yes, if the vehicle owner agrees.