Dacia Sandero

Dacia Sandero 2019

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Fix the price! Pay a small amount now and the rest later. Free cancellation.

4 Seats
3 Bags
Petrol 1.2 l
6 l

Rental terms

Security deposit
Security deposit Fully refundable
Payment method:
€ 1 868
Unlimited mileage
Unlimited mileage
Extra usage day charge
Extra usage day charge
€ 60 per day
Minimum driver age
Minimum driver age
21 years old
Minimum required driving experience
Minimum required driving experience
2 years
Fuel policy
Fuel policy
Same to Same
Minimum rental period
Minimum rental period
2 days


Add optional Extras to your trip at checkout

Protection plans
Add optional Protection plan to your trip at checkout

Third party insurance (TPL)


Full insurance

Not available


Aymen Car Services est une agence de location de voitures basée à Alger en Algérie. Nous fournissons nos services directement à partir de l’aéroport international d’Alger, Houari Boumediene, pour les particuliers et les professionnels, gratuitement 24h/7J, pour le seul confort de nos clients.

Le site web : https://www.aymen-carservices.com vous permettra de réserver une voiture de location pas chère, parmi un large choix de véhicules de locations, vous bénéficierez grâce à notre agence d’un service de qualité au meilleur prix du marché tout le long de l’année.

A fin que vous puissiez louer une voiture de location, qui vous attendra à votre arrivé à Alger, notre personnel vous assistera par mail et par téléphone 7j/7. Des réponses simples, rapides et précises vous seront adressées.


Air conditioner
Air conditioner

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Languages: English

Questions and answers

What documents do I need to rent a car?
  • A passport

  • A local or international driving licence, depending on where you're renting

The owner also has the right to request a picture of you with your driving licence.

What is NOT included in the vehicle price shown on the website?

Costs for fuel, parking, and any other additional services the owner may offer. For example, delivery/return of the vehicle, child seats or additional insurance.

What do I do if I need a child seat?

When choosing a car to book, you can message a manager using our online chat and they will find out whether the owner has a child seat. You can also specify this in the comment field when leaving a request for a personally selected car.

Can I leave the country or region in a rental car?

Yes, if the vehicle owner agrees.