Rent a car in the Akrehamn, Norway

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Most popular car rental locations in the Akrehamn, Norway

Frequently Asked Questions about renting a car at Akrehamn, Norway

How to rent a car in Akrehamn, Norway

Use our search form

  • Enter your car rental location in Akrehamn, Norway

  • Choose pickup date start and end of the trip

  • Press the Search button

  • Compare results, apply filters: Type car, Brand car, Features car, Price rental and other special requirements

If you need a more specific offers leave a request for a personally selected car..

How old do I have to be to rent a car at Akrehamn, Norway?

The minimum age to rent a car in Akrehamn, Norway is 18 years old. Car rental prices for young drivers will be higher than for 25 years and older.

What documents do I need to rent a car from Akrehamn, Norway?
  • A passport

  • A local or international driving licence, depending on where you're renting

The owner also has the right to request a picture of you with your driving licence.

What is the cheapest car rental dails at Akrehamn, Norway?

Most cheap car rent dails in Akrehamn, Norway

What payment methods are available in Akrehamn, Norway?

Only MasterCard or VISA debit cards are accepted. You can pay 15% of the rental cost by card on the site and 85% directly to the owner when you receive the vehicle. The second option is to deposit the full amount at once and pay for rental 100% by card on the website if the owner marked this option as available.

What car rental brands available at Akrehamn, Norway?

The most popular car rental brands in Akrehamn, Norway:

What types of rental vehicles available at Akrehamn, Norway?

The most popular types of rental vehicles in Akrehamn, Norway: